WCIG has been keeping a very close watch on advice coming from Government and Government health experts. We are currently providing all services as normal, with a few small changes just to make sure everyone is as safe as possible.
When you visit the office or a re supported by one of our staff, our staff will discreetly ask you some questions about your general health. This is only to minimise the risk to yourself, our staff and participants.
These questions will include:
- Are you feeling unwell? If so, do you have a cough, a fever or feeling short of breath?
- Have you recently returned from being overseas?
- Have you recently come into close contact with someone who has been diagnosed with COVID19 by a doctor?
If the answer is ‘yes’ to any of these questions, we first ask that you do not come to the office or receive supports in-person. Instead, call the office you usually attend and speak with staff.
If you have already arrived, we may ask that you leave the office and return home.
Key measures for participants:
- Hand sanitiser is available at all sites
- Meetings and training will be conducted in line with ‘social distancing’ guidelines
- Meetings and training may be shorter in duration as necessary
- Phone or video appointments may replace in-person appointments where necessary
Key measures for staff:
- Internal meetings and other contact will be minimised and convened instead via phone or video conferencing
- Any staff recently returned from overseas are voluntarily self-isolating and not attending work
- Some staff can opt to work from home
- Staff who are unwell are immediately supported to follow medical advice and self-isolate where appropriate
This situation can change quickly. For updates about WCIG’s services, we recommend keeping an eye on our website by visiting https://wcig.org.au/news/ or by following our Facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/WCIGinc/.
For information, resources and translated material about COVID19 more generally, visit health.gov.au.
If you are concerned that you may have contracted COVID19, call the DHS Coronavirus Hotline on 1800 675 398.
We encourage everyone to follow expert advice. Wash your hands regularly, avoid touching your face and stay at home if you are unwell.