
We believe everyone should have the opportunity to achieve their career goals.

What do you need?

WCIG has been delivering employment programs that support people from various backgrounds to prepare for, find and keep a meaningful employment for over 35 years. We use our extensive networks, including working with employers and the broader community, for one purpose – to help people find employment and improve lives.

Our services include Disability Employment Services, Workforce Australia Services, Transition to Work and Jobs Victoria Mentor Program. 

Female tradie wearing a red flannel, high vis vest and protective gear . She is drilling into a piece of wood.
Two female coworkers sitting in a modern office. The younger woman on the left is showing something on her tablet to the woman on the right.

Workforce Australia Services

WCIG can support you to find and keep a job, change jobs, create your own job and connect with potential employers.




WCIG Jobs Victoria Mentor Service

WCIG can support you to become job-ready and be introduced to employers who are hiring in your local area.

woman in wheelchair on laptop waving hello at the screen

Disability Employment Services

If you are living with a sustained injury, illness or disability our Disability Employment Services assists you to prepare for, find and keep meaningful employment. 

Young happy russian female technician in overalls holding clipboard in car workshop

Workforce Australia – Transition to Work

Our Transition to Work (TtW) service can support you in taking your first steps to engaging in employment or further education. 


Workplace Assessments

Our assessors provide disability workplace assessments to support you to stay employed. 

Young girl wearing glasses and a denim jacket is smiling looking at the camera. She has short golden brown hair.

Transition to Work

Our Transition to Work (TtW) service aims to collaborate with young people 15-24 years in a journey of self-discovery.


Disability Employment Services

Assisting people who live with an illness, injury or disability to prepare for, find and keep a meaningful job.


National Panel of Assessors

Our Assessors provide disability workplace assessments to support you to stay employed. 

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