Are you keen to gain assistance with finding and securing meaningful employment?
Be Work Ready is designed to introduce key skills for students who are looking to gain employment or are working towards gaining employment.
The course will cover areas such as:
• Job Readiness,
• Resume preperation,
• Cover Letter preparation,
• Interview tips and practice
Course Fees*
Click here for our course fees
Training services are provided to eligible individuals with Funds made available by the Victorian and Commonwealth Governments.
Individuals with disability are encouraged to access the training subsidised through the Skills First Program.
Enrolment in a government funded place may impact on your ability to access future government funding.
Further Information
Enrolments and enquiries welcome at any time. If you don’t see a date or time that suits you, contact us to explore flexible learning options.
Next Step
Interested in studying Be Work Ready but want more information? Our expert training team can answer any questions you have to help you make the next step.