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Digital Literacy for the Workplace: MS Word and MS Excel

Digital Literacy for the Workplace:
MS Word and MS Excel

20 hours | One day a week

Hours: 20

Days: Once a week,  9.30am – 2.30 pm

Course start date:  31 January 2023; 26 April 2023; 11 July 2023;

Number of sessions: 4

Digital Literacy for the Workplace: MS Word and MS Excel

This course aims to provide learners with the confidence and skills to keep in step with innovation and requirement changes in the workplace. It also aims to give learners the confidence to embrace digital skills in the workplace and successfully use technology as a means for gaining or maintaining secure and meaningful employment. The course content includes:

  • Creating Microsoft Word and Microsoft Excel documents for the Workplace
  • Producing a Cover Letter
  • Producing a Resume
  • Engaging with workplace focussed Microsoft Word documents
  • Engaging with workplace focussed Microsoft Excel documents

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