With Workforce Australia Services, WCIG provides you with access to various supports to assist you in finding, applying for, starting, and maintaining meaningful employment.
We help you access relevant skills training and connect you with potential employers recruiting in your local area.
If you are an employer, we help you improve the diversity of your workplace. We work with you to achieve greater efficiencies in your recruitment processes by employing suitable candidates with the right skills. We also provide you and your new employees with pre-and post-placement support.
WCIG will give you the knowledge and tools you need to get a job, learn new skills, or access extra support if required.
WCIG tailors its recruitment services to the needs of employers and the labour market. We can partner with businesses from all industries.
Work for the Dole can provide you with the opportunity to gain work experience, build and learn new skills, and make new work contacts.
Work for the Dole can you give you the opportunity to gain work experience, build your on-the-job skills, learn new skills, and make new work contacts which can improve your chance of finding employment.